Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Charlie is FIVE

Charlie, my first son, turned 5. I could never imagine how wonderful it is to have a son. The way I love him is so different than any other relationship. Moms and their boys... It really is a unique and tight bond. 

We went to the trampoline park to celebrate. 

Nonnies amazing cookies. Always a hit. 

Annette fell and sprained her knee while we were there partying. So, I didn't take my usual pictures to capture all my favorite party moments. But, Charlie, you loved every second of it. You said several times that this was the most fun day ever.  That made me smile a big smile. 

We went to granny and granddads house  later to celebrate some more. 

And on Saturday, we went to the farm with Daddy Ike to hunt pheasant. 

This boy Charlie is special. He can sense things and can love others in a super natural way. I am forever grateful grateful that God has loaned him to us. 

1 comment:

thadks said...

Really enjoyed this one Morgan