Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Guest blogger Isaac: While Mom was marooned on a peninsula...

It had been planned for a while. Charlie, Annette and I decided to take a long weekend vacation in the great city of Little Rock while mom was left to her own devices with a few acquaintances out of state. We started off Thursday night with a trip to the Fresh Most Overpriced Place to Buy Fish Market for salmon and other ingredients for dad's first attempt at a fennel and red cabbage slaw. Back home we played music while Anne and Chas helped single me shuck corn and cut veggies. All the while, mom was stuck in the heat far away and having to convince others that the game Taboo can actually be fun. The slaw was sub-par; a small blemish to a great day.

In our family, Webster's defines fun as Tazikis, Orange Leaf and Aunt Lauren. Naturally, that was the Friday night plan and it did not disappoint. We thought of Morgan and how much fun she was missing out on.

Saturday we joined Granny for more fun. Garage Sale Fun.    I'm now convinced North Little Rock accounts for over 70% of all annual proceeds from the World's garage sales.
Naps and then back home to load up for Chili Fights in the Heights - the highlight of our weekend, although double strollers go better with one-lane bridges than this location. Several chili stains, painted pumpkins and an eyeshadow surprise later, we were back home playdohing and settling down for bed. Poor mom was marooned on a peninsula. I couldn't imagine how much she must be missing us...

Annual Setzler Garage Sale

It's Sunday and I'm only 45 minutes late to church after a tough morning negotiation session over shoes v. sandals, waffles v. chocolate, etc... After an unintentionally shortened service was the gracious brunch buffet with Nonnie and Doc. Once again the windows overlooking the golf course had to be hosed down after being attacked by Charlie's mashed potato fingers. I'm thankful because I am just imagining how bored Morgan must be about this time.

I sent Morgan this picture while she was in Florida. She responded that this was supposed to be Annette's Easter dress. Sorry... hope no one remembers it.

Mommy got back Monday night and positive reflection over the past few days comes easy. The life I've received is a blessed one and, although far from perfect, is, in its own way, like a vacation every day. It is rivaled only by the lives I was given to love, protect and enjoy. Today I'm thankful for the life I've received and the lives that were given to me.

> Isaac Smith

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