Monday, July 25, 2011


This was one of those days where we have done nothing exciting, but still note-worthy to me. This is a bit of what we do around here on a 'normal' day. I'm pretty sure I'll remember the fun trips to fun places and special days doing special stuff, but I don't want to forget how lovely a 'lazy day' can be.

Kids helping me sweep the floor. I think most of the day goes like this... Kids make mess... I clean it up...  Kids make another mess.... Kids attempt to help me clean it up.  Kids make a mess cleaning up.  I clean it up..... All day long.

After many dirty feet and PBJ handprints and some evidence of mis-used markers and who knows what else, I stripped the couch and washed our slip covers.

Annette helping me spread the PB on her bread.

I cut out a few coupons, and my little helper wanted to help. She picked peanut butter, ice cream, and tape. The essentials.

There is a house being built next door to ours. Right beside Charlie's bedroom. It's a little interesting around nap time. We spent a long time watching big machines move rocks and dirt. Charlie loved it. This is almost a daily source of entertainment.

I also took the chance to take a mini- photo shoot of us. Annette and I are still in our pajamas. Lazy day for sure.

Both of them in my lap. Ha:)

To get them good and worn out before naps, we played in the pool.  Love the ease of this in the summer!

Annette is 'cleaning' out our empty peanut butter jar.

Charlie in Annette's floaties. He will jump off the stairs in these and float around. Blow bubbles. Lay on his back. Kick to the side. Such a little water baby!

And now, Annette is still talking in her crib. Charlie is in a deep sleep. And I am savoring a sweet morning. Feeling overwhelmingly blessed and grateful for these ordinary days.  

1 comment:

A.H.P. said...

i love your day! somehow that made housework seem/look fun! so glad to have a friend that also loves staying home with the kids and being ordinary! ;)