Friday, June 17, 2011

our current version of homeschool

to make myself feel more productive about staying at home, it feels good to document some of our doings. i know for children, playing  =  learning.  so,  here are some of our most recent learning experiences.....

We went berry picking Thursday morning at Bo Brooks Farm out past Pinnacle. It was one of those things I'm super glad I did with my kiddies. Reminded me of my field trip days as a teacher. Without having to tame all the wild behavior.

Even at her young age, Annette could appreciate the fun in picking fruit straight off the plant. Such yummy, fresh goodness coming from the Earth. From our Creator. Wish we had a garden in our own backyard so we could enjoy picking fresh vegetables as a family on a regular basis. I have a couple of friends who have offered their help in the start up process, so I'll save that talk for another blog entry.

It was a great time. Beautiful and a little bit sweaty. I told Annette not to pick or eat the green ones. My stubborn child chewed a very green one...  and spit it out .... all while she thought I wasn't watching. Guess she is a lot like her momma. She ate tons of the blue ones too. I thought she would be sick, but luckily is fine. I can't wait to cook blueberry pancakes on Saturday morning.
Then we went to my moms to swim and for lunch.

Then, to make some fun
before dad got home, we came home and painted. one wiTh waer, one wiTh painT.

 if ou wan o know w m words don quie make sense ere, i is because carlie spil waer on m  lapops keboard. onl a few of e kes sill work. i;ll blo abou is  laer.

Today, Friday, we went to first baptist church's playground. I had to leave earlier than planned because my two year old threw a huge fit over having to sit it timeout. I mean big time huge. Had to leave huge. So, we came home, she apologized, and we napped, and we made up. :)

We played with blocks and play dough in the afternoon. And read a lot of books, as usual.


And now, my 'substitute teacher' is home. Isaac will be home all weekend and I will get to do some kiddie -free activities:) love. love. love weekends.

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