Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sister Showers

My sister, Lauren, is getting married in about 4 weeks! So excited for her. You can read more about this lovely sister of mine here and here.

Annette gets to be the flower girl, which is super special. 

She's been showered by family and friends the last couple months. 

Andrew, the lucky man;)

We will be a new crazy Smith crew of 6 at the wedding, but I'm so looking forward to it. Although, I'll still look pregnant in every picture, I'm sure ;)

In other Smatterings,
Isaac went on a work trip to New York last week. And we gained that delightful extra hour. Perfect timing, right?  To pass the time we went to All Aboard and  The Wonder Place. And we got haircuts. Set's first real one. Stirred up quite a few contractions during those days, which was partly the goal. 

See, kids, mom can still be the 'fun parent' every once in awhile.

And then Ike comes home bringing goodies for each kiddo, and he's back in the Most Likable Parent role. 

It's hard to imagine adding another life to this mix, but I'm as ready and excited  as ever. 

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