Sunday, October 30, 2016

October beach trip 30A

The beach in October is pretty perfect. Less crowded. Less hot.

We missed 4 days of school, but totally worth it.

 The water was gorgeous. Even Jane Lauren enjoyed it.

we have stayed in this neighborhood, waters edge, several times now and we keep going back. love that we can walk to the little grocery store 'seacrest sundries' and many fun restaurants.  it's right next to rosemary beach. 

Isaac's mom, dad, brother thad, and sister amber, bro in law rango, and nephew Cruz came down also.  

we found tons of hermit crabs this trip which was really neat. love this pic of rango holding a handful. 

i know i'll forget this stuff, so i love writing it down. jl would wake up about 6 at the beach, which is really early for her. she prefers her own crib at home, i guess. set would usually be up next.  we'd eat breakfast and then we all sunscreened up and waked down to the beach around 9ish. JL would get tired of beach around lunch time and callie or i would stay with her at the house while she napped. 
then we swam in pool, rode bikes, and got in some more beach time in the afternoons. 
we made friends with our next door neighbors, who had 3 kids similar ages to our kids. 

we went to a pumpkin patch one morning, which was a fun little outing.

we visited the taylors one day at watercolor

thankful our sitter Callie could come with us. she is wonderful. i used to babysit HER:)

lot of attempts at family pics

thankful for octobers with my family, God

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