Monday, August 18, 2014

Kindergarten. Kindergarten! Kindergarten?

It happened. My first child started Kindergarten. About 45 minutes ago.

Posting the pictures now seems to be the right thing to do, because I am still with her in thought and heart. Want to be there with her now. I didn't think I'd get teary, but having this milestone come and go so quickly hit me on the way home. Ouch.

She woke up to my phone alarm (self chosen alarm tone:) readily this morning. Jumped in her uniform. Didn't complain once. All smiles all morning. I managed to get her to eat a banana, even though she always insists she isn't hungry before school.

We all jumped in the car, umbrellas ready, and drove the 0.6 mile to her sweet 102 year old school.

Ready to head back to Forest Park Elementary as a Kinder.

Wish it hadn't been raining, so I could have taken some pics in front of the school.

She was tired of smiling for my camera by this point, ha.

A quick hug goodbye and then a rainy walk back to the car with just the boys

It's in the books. 
Or blog posts.

Can't wait to hear all about it at about 2:45 pm.


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