Saturday, June 15, 2013

40 under 40

I have an all-star husband.

He took all 3 kids to Brownings by himself last night so I could have a birthday mani-pedi session with friends last night. And that's not unusual for him.

He doesn't even need me to pack the diaper bag, find the bottle/shoes/medicine/necessities for walking out the door. 

He just says, Go. Have fun. 

Yep. I don't have to worry about a thing before, during, or after an evening away from home. He sooo has it under control. Better than me probably. 

So it is soooo not surprising that people who work with him see his all-star-ness too.

I got to proudly clap, and to control my tendency to do use my cheerleading rooting voice, as he was honored as one of Arkansas Business' 40 under 40. See the other nominees here

Why did I not take a picture of Isaac with his parents?!?!?! Or Isaac with his work colleagues?!??!
That right there is a pity. Flowers, signs, and weird dessert (which we thought resembled an SOS pad) pictures are not what I want to look back and remember. 

So i WILL take more pictures in the future. i WILL NOT again forget to take priceless photos on special days. 

And when he is honored again one day in the future for being so super in his relationships at work or home or church, I won't be a bit surprised.... and will take far more pictures.

I am a blessed girl to have him. And never forget it. Especially on my 31st birthday today. Which I'll want to post about later. 

Excited about a dinner date tonight to celebrate lots of blessings.
Happy June 15th!

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