Monday, February 6, 2012

Soaking up the January Sun

We sure have enjoyed this mild winter month.

Checking out the fish.

He's still 1 for another few weeks. I've got to start working on the 2 fingers.

Climbing trees at the park.

Charlie's new favorite activity at the park. Climbing up this curved ladder thingy. I am not a nervous mom, but this dare-devil move even makes calm-ole-me run over and spot him. He isn't even two yet and he is trying this.  He has almost fallen several times... luckily my arms were there to catch him. We don't need any broken bones. 

Big sister prefers the chalk.

And hopscotch.

We are hoping this nice weather sticks.

Hope everyone else is enjoying pretty days : )


Katie (From Passys to Parties) said...

They are just TOO CUTE!! Hope a'll are doing well Morgan!

Lauren said...

I've loved this weather! Makes it do much easier when we have run out of all of our tricks in the house.