Friday, September 9, 2011

Busy breezy week

Fall has really returned! Love this cooler weather, but with the breeze has come the busies. I'm already missing long lazy days at the pool. And trying to keep up with a fuller calendar.

Being able to enjoy outdoor playgrounds again is a nice trade off for all the pool time, though. This past week we soaked up the nice weather at the park that's a couple streets over, and at the church playground and even just in our yard. My kids have recently started playing with shovels and rocks. Pouring pebbles into dump trucks and buckets and getting so filthy their skin literally turns grayish black. Even at the park where there are slides and swings galore, my kiddies are digging up the dirt. We've already ruined two pairs of shoes by wading through rocks and tar pieces. And lost half of another pair. BTW, It's so annoying to have only one shoe. I can't stand to get rid of the solo shoe for at least a year. I'm always hopeful its match will turn up somewhere.

Aside from playing with my children, indoors or outdoors, I've felt pretty busy with tasks. Last week, I juggled grading lots of course papers, junior league meetings, tutoring sessions, prepping third grade church lessons, pricing Duck Duck Goose clothes, hosting community group, preparing for Bloom, taking an online course, and all the usual household chores. I am glad to be busy. I prefer to be busy. But, after a lazy summer, I feel a little shocked back into the swing of things.

My Dad watched the kids for me while I tutored on Tuesday. Both Annette and Charlie were unusually still for one second in my parent's driveway. So I snapped this cute picture. They are looking so big these days!

Thankfully, my evenings were more relaxing than busy.

We went over to a neighbors house one night. Their backyard seems to call out to my kids by name. And Isaac and I love chatting with Brian and Shannon.

Look at my husband. What a great Dad! Love that he can relax with us as a family.

One night, we cooked dinner and Isaac suggested eating it on our patio. Love him. It was like a date... at our own house. Cheesy, but true. We just ate in a different spot at our house and it made for an extra super evening.

Another evening we helped Isaac's sister move some furniture. Charlie actually walked over to try to help his dad carry the dresser. I love that he already wants to help with 'man' stuff. He grunted as he tried to lift it and everything.

We went to Nonnie's house on Wednesday for a visit and Annette and Charlie got to help her make some pie crusts.

That's some of the random stuff we squeezed into a busy week. nothing terribly exciting, but still fun:)

This weekend we went to the razorback game. My ever giving mom and dad watched the kids all afternoon and overnight for us. So nice!

-This was supposed to be a photo, not a video.. Oh well. I really should have taken more pictures.

Then, we had our small group over tonight to discuss our Hebrews study. Which is one of my favorite things about getting back into fall-- community group has started back up. Love talking about all kinds of things with some dear, dear friends.

My women's bible study starts back up this week! Super excited to meet some new people and enjoy other moms' company.

So, the breeze and the busies. Juggling tasks and roles. Soaking it up. Seasons. It all 'blows' by so fast:)

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