easter weekend
should have had the kids wear matching, or at least a complete set of pajamas. next year maybe
puzzles, books, goggles, and some candy. annette is amazing with jane lauren. always helping.
brunch at the country club
easter egg hunt on the front lawn
(with my cute preggo friend in the back...my fave dress of the day;)
on sunday, we woke up extra early to make it to church early since i was acting in the kids program. in my rush, i didn't even get a picture of us before church. and after church, we were sockless, bowless, jl already had marker on her outfit, and charlie had chocolate on his. so, the family selfie of our messy crew is a pretty good representation of us lately.
after church we went to my cousin sydney's house for lunch and to spend the afternoon with family.
charlie and jl loved chasing the hen around
visiting their house makes me want to live in the country for a little while. especially on a beautiful spring day like yesterday. the kids were easily entertained with the chickens and creek and the open spaces. my other cousin sarah and her kids were supposed to join us too, but she went into labor yesterday morning! an easter baby girl, so so sweet. can't wait to meet her.
it was a very lovely easter,
and a great day to remember we place our faith and hope in the resurection of Jesus Christ
and because i like to reflect and look at what we were up to last easter ,
here is a link to last year